Children Worship & Wonder

The Children Worship & Wonder Worship Center concept is an exciting way for children to experience God while learning about God.  This approach uses a sensorimotor style of storytelling as a primary means for encountering God, so that God is experienced, not just learned about.  The key to this approach is a worship context for telling and working with Biblical stories, instead of a school environment.  Children learn to find the quiet place within, which enables them to get ready to worship “all by themselves” rather than sit in church in imposed silence.

A Typical Sunday Morning Session

  • Getting Ready for the Story- The doorway is a very important place,  From the moment the child enters the room, the storyteller and greeter and the room itself help the child get ready to God’s Word.

  • Hearing the Word- In the fall, we focus on the stories of Hebrew Scripture.  In Advent, we begin with the birth of Jesus and move through the stories of his ministry and resurrection.  In the spring, we introduce the New Testament Stories.

  • Responding to the Story- Each child chooses how he or she would like to respond to the story.  Everything in the room is for the child to use.  Each child has a special folder to store their unfinished work from week to week.

  • Gathering Again- A time to “share the feast” or just be together.

  • Going with God’s Blessing- Another threshold moment!  Each child leaves with a special blessing or “good word” from the storyteller.  The greeter will meet you at the door and help with the transition into the week ahead.

Children Worship & Wonder is for ages 3 to 5th grade