
Click on the Bold Underlined Title for more information on any topic.

Georgia Disciples
Georgia Web Site with lots of information and resoruces
for Disciples including links to all Regional Ministries.

Disciples of Christ
National Web Site with lots of information and resoruces
for Disciples including links to all General Ministries.

DisciplesWorld, (Disciples of Christ)
A journal of news, opinion and mission
for the Christian Church.

Campbell-Stone Christian Centers, Inc
Providing care and services to older Adults in Georgia.

Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina,
Christmount is the camp, conference, and retreat center
for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ),
whose mission it is to serve God by providing opportunities
for life-changing and enriching experiences in faith, knowledge, leadership and personal relationships. One of Christmount’s ministries is Camp Lakey Gap, a summer camp program for people with autism.

Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light’s public awareness campaign seeks to raise awareness of the prevalence and consequences of child sexual abuse. Our ads are a “call to action” encouraging adults to call or go online for free materials that educate adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Darkness to Light is also actively educating adults through its newest initiative, Stewards of Children, a sexual abuse prevention training program that provides frontline training for organizations and corporations that serve children and youth.